Het merk "Adolphe Sax" is terug - Deredactie.be
Het familiebedrijf van Adolphe Sax werd echter in 1929 overgenomen door Fransen. "Veel mensen denken dus dat de saxofoon een Franse uitvinding is. Ik wil dus de saxofoon terughalen naar België", legt Goetghebeur uit.
Bruggeling wil opnieuw Belgische saxofoons maken - HLN.be
De eerste saxofoons onder de naam van de oorspronkelijke uitvinder werden vandaag gepresenteerd in Brugge. Goeghebeur raakte de voorbije jaren steeds geïntrigeerder door de saxofoon en de geschiedenis van de ....
Adolphe Sax, a blow job | dagelijks iets degelijks
En daarmee hebben naast de Afrikaanse negerslaven toch ook de Belgen een belangrijke rol gespeeld in de geschiedenis van de jazz. Toegegeven, mijnheer Sax wist op dat moment nog van toeten of van blazen. SAX- ...
Dave Stewart & Candy Dulfer - Lily Was Here
Great video. Rare.
Adolphe Sax, His Influence and Legacy: A Bicentenary Conference ...
Antoine-Joseph Sax, (known as Adolphe Sax), was born in Dinant (Belgium) on the 6th of November 1814. He was one of the towering figures in nineteenth century musical instrument development, especially in respect of ...
History Of The Saxophone - Sax Gone Wild
The saxaphone was invented by Adolphe Sax in 1841. His intention was to make a woodwind instrument that had the sound of a brass. The sax is certainly that as it has the makeup of a clarient but flares out like a trumpet or ...
SAXOPHONE AS-400 | Jean Paul USA
The saxophone was invented by the Belgian clarinetist Adolphe Sax in 1846. The saxophone is a conical-bore transposing musical instrument that is a member of the woodwind family. Saxophones are usually made of brass and played with a ...
The History of the Saxophone | The Bangladesh Today
Let's take a look at the history of the saxophone. The saxophone was invented by a Belgian, Antoine-Joseph (Adolphe) Sax, born on November 6, 1814 in Dinant. His father, Charles was an expert maker of musical instruments. As a child he ...
Rhythm and Blues (Saxophone Day- Adolphe Sax ... - Zany Holidays
On November 6th, some time during the 1800's, a Belgian guy named Adolphe Sax invented the saxophone and the saxtromba (never heard of that one). Musician and handyman - what a catch, right ladies? Sax's passion for ...
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